Saturday, January 21, 2006

A day in my life

Ok, a day in my life...Hum...well it would start off: hell my days don't end. Get up around 4:30 or 5 to feed Alyssa and make coffee for Mike and myself. Then about 6 or 6:30 I get in the shower after playing with Alyssa for an hour. Then wake Taylor up and get her ready for school this takes till 7:45 when Tonya wonderful Tonya picks her up and takes her to school every morning for me so I don't have to pack all my kids up. By then Michael is up and the day starts. Then depending on the day Daniel and Shannen come. They both come at 9am. Then it's play for and hour to hour and a half. Then it's snack time. Well that's always an ordeal because everyone wants something different. I only do one snack for everyone. It's really easier and then I don't go through so much food. Then It's time to feed Alyssa again. Then it's back to the swing for her and lunch time for the other kids. Then it's nap time from 12:30 to 2:30. For some reason Alyssa is always up during this time. Which is okay because then we get to play and cuddle. Then 2:30 Shannen goes home and it's time to pack everyone up and pick Taylor up from school. Then at 3:30 we have snack and juice. Then we all play and watch TV a little and sometimes put the radio on and go outside to let out some energy. Then at 5:15 Daniel goes home, and it's time to cook dinner and do Taylor's homework. She sits at the table while I make dinner in case she needs any help, and feed Alyssa again. Then Mike comes home around 6:30 or 7 ish and we eat. Then it's clean up from dinner, bath's, and listen to Taylor read for a while and then at 8:30 it's bed time. But see I put them to bed at 8:30 and at 9:30 they are still coming out of their rooms. They are coming up with better excuses but I always send them back in a hurry so I can relax. But it's not over yet because Alyssa is hungry again. (And on Thurdays Taylor has Cheerleading from 7-8.) Then about 10:00 I try to go to bed. Then up again at 2 or 2:30 to feed Alyssa and it starts all over again!!!!!!!!!!!!! So are you tired from reading this...I am...Till next time...

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