Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Okay, Moriah has tagged me and here are the answers to my questions:

4 Jobs you have had!
1.)K-mart! My first Job
2.)RG&E , worked at the nuclear power plant with my mom and step dad for a year before moving to NC...that was the best!!!!
3.)Starbucks...Great part time job when Taylor was born.
4.)Now a stay at home mom. The most demanding job I have ever had, but by far the BEST!

4 Movies you would watch over and over
1.)Dirty Dancing
2.)Steel Magnolias
3.)Jersey Girl
4.)And I have to say it, Harry Potter

4 Places you've lived
1.)Webster, NY
2.) Ontario, NY
3.)Mooresville, NC
4.)Sherrills Ford, NC ( I have left a lot out )

4 TV Shows you love to watch:
1.)The O.C.
3.)Desperite House Wife's

4 Websites I visit daily:
1.)Right now HGTV
2.)Moriah's Blog spot
3.)My bank account ( haha)
4.)and that's it...

4 of my favorite foods
1.)Anything Italian

4 Places I would rather be:
1.) NY, to see my parents
2.)FL, to see my family
3.)TX, to see Jamie and the kids
4.)And at any vacation spot on a beach with my kids and husband!!
Okay so that's it, enjoy...

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