Tuesday, January 17, 2006

5 things you didn't know about me...

Here are 5 things you didn't know about me:

I don't like odd numbers. But I have 3 kids. My birthday is 11/29, Tay's is 9/25, Michael's is 11/21, Alyssa's is 11/6 but she was born at 3:33am. Now we have a family of 5... Mike's doesn't count cause his b-day is 8/14 just like my mom:-)

My favorite number is 16 and oddly enough I was married on Feb. 16th. Coming up on 5 years. I love ya Mike, it's been a long road!!!

This one is crazy, I can hear Moriah laughing now...I use chap stick like it's going out of style...My lips are always chapped!!

I have to have nail polish on my toe nails at all times. But I hate nail polish on my finger nails. Love it on other people.

I love my feet...That is the best body part I have!!!

Thought I would share. Till next time...

1 comment:

Ronabear41 said...

I couldn't see all the pictures. Just the last two. This is fun and my nights are going faster now. Thanks Corine for getting me into something more than games! I Love ya man.