Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Kids in Taylor's Class

Ok, from top row left to right: Hannah and Alyssa, Grace and Alyssa, Brook and Alyssa. Middle row: Haley and Alyssa, Meghan and Taylor, Ms. Spring and Tay. Bottom row: Hannah and Tay, Meghan,Tay,Hannah, Katie,and Brook, and Taylor and Brook. This is her teacher and class mates from second grade.

We received Taylor's report card today and it says grade placement for next year 3RD GRADE! I can't believe it. It seems like she just started kindergarten.

Good job in school this year Taylor. Keep up the good work. We love you and are so proud of you! Posted by Picasa


Granpappy said...

Did Alyssa get promoted too?

Ronabear41 said...

Good job TayTay! Looks like you have a lot of great friends! And, you're teaching Alyssa how to make friends!