Saturday, June 03, 2006


Wow, things here have been so crazy! Lots and lots going on. First we were able to trade in our Grand Prix and our Tahoe and upgrade to a '06 Suburban and we saved us $430 per month!!!!!! Isn't that great. What a weight lifted off our sholders. Lets start with Taylor. She has been having a problem with this kid at school all year long. She started doing little things to Tay Tay like taking things off her desk and ripping up her work that she had completed but not yet handed in. Then over the winter she pulled Tay back by the hood of her jacket backwords right down to the ground. And some other stuff. Well last Thursdaythe 25th of May Taylor's class was in P.E. and Taylor and this boy were having a conversation and this other girl took Taylor and choked her and threw her up against the wall, leaving marks on her neck for most of the day. Boy were we pissed ( to say the least ) This girl was suppended for one day of school and is not EVER going to be in Taylor's class again. We even called the superintendant and filed a police report. The school will know that we take this very seriously.

So now to Michael...He has completed his first year of Pre-school!! I can't beleive it. I have the certificate to proove it. His end of the year program was just great. They had made these Tye Dye shirts in class and all wore matching jean shorts and sang their ABC'S and a few other songs. Then we had a bite to eat before we left. What a great year we had at Olivet. Can't wait for next year to come.

And of course Alyssa ( AKA--Aly, Lee Lee ) She has had alot going on too. She is getting so big. I took her to the doctor the other day and she will be 7 months old on June 6th. She is weighing in now at 19lbs and 11 oz. WOW, what a big girl I know. She is in 12 month clothing. ( haha ) On Wednesday 5/31 her first tooth appeared!! I couldn't believe it when I noticed it. Now of course 3 days later it up even more and just makes me realize she's growing up too fast. Her doctor told me on Thursday that her motor skills are advanced for her age. She sits up all on her own and is up on her hands and knees rocking back and forth. Might be crawling soon...

Well that's all the updates for now. There might be some I forgot but I just realized I have 1 hour to be on the ball field and everyone but me is sleeping. Till next time......

1 comment:

Ronabear41 said...

Glad to know you filed a police report. I hope you don't need to have to reference that in the future, but it's good to have it. The kids are growing too fast!!