Sunday, June 18, 2006

My reason for life!!!!!!!!!!

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Our Bird's Nest

See these chairs that are on our deck? And by the way overlook the green pond in the backround...Anyways these chairs are on our back deck just waiting to be sat in...
Little did we know they are being occupied!! I was cleaning off the deck and I discovered this nest. With 5 little eggs in it. Just wanted to share with you... Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Kids in Taylor's Class

Ok, from top row left to right: Hannah and Alyssa, Grace and Alyssa, Brook and Alyssa. Middle row: Haley and Alyssa, Meghan and Taylor, Ms. Spring and Tay. Bottom row: Hannah and Tay, Meghan,Tay,Hannah, Katie,and Brook, and Taylor and Brook. This is her teacher and class mates from second grade.

We received Taylor's report card today and it says grade placement for next year 3RD GRADE! I can't believe it. It seems like she just started kindergarten.

Good job in school this year Taylor. Keep up the good work. We love you and are so proud of you! Posted by Picasa

Crazy Kids

Every morning when Alyssa wakes up and Michael hears her this is what I walk into. He is always in bed with her, playing with her. Only usualy he's not laying still like this. She just loves it, what do ya do?
I know alot of y'all have seen this picture already, but I love this picture. So I felt the need to put it on my BLOG! Posted by Picasa

How cool...

Well first off I just want to tell you Andy and Stephanie's daughter's name. Caroline Denise Loden, and I have to make a correction she is 6lbs. 6 oz. Never believe what your husband says and she was something like 17 1/4 inches long.

Well anyways I just want to say that Marchelle has asked Taylor and I to come to their 4D ultrasound in July. Besides my own kids this is going to be the most special day. I am so happy that they are letting us share this special moment with them. I can't wait, it's going to take forever for the day to come. Not only do I have it written down on my calander but it has stars and it's highlighted. Thanks so much for inviting me!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Proud parents Andy and Stephanie and big brother Nicholas!! Baby arrived at 6:28am this morning. She is 6.6lb and 18 inches long!!! Now I hope I can find someone to watch Michael and Alyssa so I can go and see them today. I just have to tell you how good I am...On Saturday Mike and I along with Stephanie and Andy took the kids to the movies to see Cars and while there we were predicting when the baby would come and I said today. I said today because today is 6/13 and Nicholas was born on 11/13, and Andy's dad who passed away when he was a child was also born on the 13th of the month. Goodness what are we gonna do with all these girls. Mike's sister is having a girl and Marchelle thinks she's having a girl. When Jennifer found out I made my decision right there all gilrs...that's my prediction, well for now!! Well CONGRATS ANDY AND STEPH AND NICHOLAS I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HER...I'll let ya know her name when they figure out what it's gonna be. Till then...

Friday, June 09, 2006

Meet baby Hoffman

This is Marchelle and Tyler's baby!! They did not find out if their having a boy or girl though! This is the first picture I saw this morning and it brought me to tears. Not just because it's a new life but becasue that's me niece or nephew!! I can't wait till november now so I can meet him or her!!! These are really great pictures. Congrats Marchelle and Tyler, I love you both!! Posted by Picasa

Monday, June 05, 2006

What a weekend...

Well it was busy and went all to fast and it was not busy and was slow all at the same time. Could that even be???? Well Friday I went to Taylor's field day at school and we had a great time. Just me and her for 3 hours. Then Marchelle came to pick her up for the weekend. I had to babysitt for Brenden and Logan. We played and then watched Harry Potter. Got up on Sat. and went to Michael's t-ball game and I must tell you how much better he has gotten. Of course there is only 2 games left but he actually is standing there watching the ball. Occasionally he plays in the dirt but not the whole game. But he's only 3!! Then we went grocery shopping and did a whole lot of nothing after that. Daniel came over and spent the night with us. Sunday was a great family day. When I picked Taylor up she was crying. She had such a great time with Marchelle and Tyler she didn't want to come home. Thanks to them for making her feel so special. That means a lot to her and me!!!!!!

Not sure what's gonna happen today yet. I might take the kids to Tay's school today. She is having a Luau. Lots of dancing, music and food!!!!!! Might just stay and let them swim in the pool not sure yet. I'm gonna call Moriah and see what their doing, Michael is dying to play with he says!!!! Well till next time

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Michael's end of the year Pre-school program

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Wow, things here have been so crazy! Lots and lots going on. First we were able to trade in our Grand Prix and our Tahoe and upgrade to a '06 Suburban and we saved us $430 per month!!!!!! Isn't that great. What a weight lifted off our sholders. Lets start with Taylor. She has been having a problem with this kid at school all year long. She started doing little things to Tay Tay like taking things off her desk and ripping up her work that she had completed but not yet handed in. Then over the winter she pulled Tay back by the hood of her jacket backwords right down to the ground. And some other stuff. Well last Thursdaythe 25th of May Taylor's class was in P.E. and Taylor and this boy were having a conversation and this other girl took Taylor and choked her and threw her up against the wall, leaving marks on her neck for most of the day. Boy were we pissed ( to say the least ) This girl was suppended for one day of school and is not EVER going to be in Taylor's class again. We even called the superintendant and filed a police report. The school will know that we take this very seriously.

So now to Michael...He has completed his first year of Pre-school!! I can't beleive it. I have the certificate to proove it. His end of the year program was just great. They had made these Tye Dye shirts in class and all wore matching jean shorts and sang their ABC'S and a few other songs. Then we had a bite to eat before we left. What a great year we had at Olivet. Can't wait for next year to come.

And of course Alyssa ( AKA--Aly, Lee Lee ) She has had alot going on too. She is getting so big. I took her to the doctor the other day and she will be 7 months old on June 6th. She is weighing in now at 19lbs and 11 oz. WOW, what a big girl I know. She is in 12 month clothing. ( haha ) On Wednesday 5/31 her first tooth appeared!! I couldn't believe it when I noticed it. Now of course 3 days later it up even more and just makes me realize she's growing up too fast. Her doctor told me on Thursday that her motor skills are advanced for her age. She sits up all on her own and is up on her hands and knees rocking back and forth. Might be crawling soon...

Well that's all the updates for now. There might be some I forgot but I just realized I have 1 hour to be on the ball field and everyone but me is sleeping. Till next time......

Friday, June 02, 2006

It's a girl...

For Mike's sister Jennifer and her husband Tom. They found out yesterday and they are so excited. We are also. Taylor was excited at the news that she will have at least one girl cousin. CONGRATS AND CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU!!!