Tuesday, April 25, 2006


This was T-Ball practice last night. Michael has so much fun. Sometimes he does not pay attention, but neither do the other kids, as you can see from the picture where he's sitting on the ground. I will post more of those you will laugh. Anyways he got his shirt and hat for his first game coming up on Thursday. That's why he's in two different shirts. He said " Mom can I keep this shirt? Can I take this hat home." He was so excited when I said yes.
At that moment he decided that he had to wear the shirt so he changed. It's the little things that make him happy. He's doing much better. He can hit the ball to the pitcher's mound. He doesn't catch the ball but he can retrieve it quickly. He's supposed to throw it to 1st base when he gets it, but sometimes he holds it a little longer. He doesn't want to give it back once he finally gets a chance to hold the thing. But all the kids do the same thing.
As I sit here writing this he came to sit on my lap. He said " Is that me mommy?" I said yep that's you. and he replied "watch how far I hit that ball mom..." As if we were gonna be able to see him actually hit the ball like he did last night!!!!
And when he saw this picture he said "who's that?" I said that's you when you were catching the ball. "Did I do that?" he said. "Watch me throw it back!!" I just laughed so hard...Well thought I would share these pictures with you. Till next time... Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Moriah said...

Can I kiss him now! Yummmy! These are really good pictures Corine. WOW! LOL! He's so funny with that big helment on!