Saturday, April 22, 2006

Our shopping trip...

was a flop!! We were gone for 5 hours and all we bought was lunch. We went to the new Northlake Mall on exit 18 and when we got there they did not have the store I needed. No JCPenney...What the hell. I was so pissed...Well we went in anyways because Taylor got a skirt from Bob and Collie for Easter and I went to return it to Gap where they bought it and they wouldn't take it back because it was bought at an outlet store. COME ON NOW...I was already pissed off and then this. Well I took the kids to the food court and we had a nice lunch together. Then I took them to the children's play center and we played for an hour or so then on the way home we stopped at the store and bought some snacks and pizza for dinner. Then we were going by the shop and the kids saw that grandpa was there and we stopped to say hi and the kids had fun running around saying hi to everyone. They each got a gift from someone and off we went. Back home and out the back door to play before it rains. It was a good afternoon with the kids and I enjoyed it alot. I wanted to buy them some summer chothes because Taylor and Michael grew out of everything from last year and Alyssa has only a few things to wear and she needs a pair of sandles. Now that she walks around in the walker she needs something on her feet. Well anyways I'll stop rambling...


Ronabear41 said...

Sorry the shopping trip did not go as planned. But, at least you and the kids got to spend some time together.

Corine said...

And that's what was so important. We did have a good time. And who needs to spend money to have a good time.