Friday, September 14, 2007

Lots going on...

Well school officially started on 8/27 for Taylor. Holy cow she is now in the 4th grade. She loves her techer so far. She has gotten a lot of homework but not too much, so that's good. She has started cheerleading again and we will have her 4th game tomorrow. She is doing very well.

Michael started pre-school on 9/4 and he loves it!!!! He is now in the 4 year old class. This will be his last year the it's off to kindergarten!!!!!! He loves Mrs. Lorie and Mrs. Eve!! Michael started playing soccer a few weeks ago. You should see him go. They have scrimmiged(not sure how to spell that) twice and he scored twice in the first one and once last night. He was so proud of himself, you should have see the look on his face.

Now to little LeeLee...well me first it goes into leelee. I started working as a teacher assistant at the preschool on Tuesday in the 4 year old room. ( Not Michael's class the other 4 year old class ) Which I LOVE!!! So because I am working there we put Alyssa in the 2 year old room. She is to little for this class because with her birthday being in November she misses the cut off. So she is the youngest one in there, but at 22 month she is the only one who is potty trained!! Her teachers just love her. They say she is so smart and sometimes listens better than the older kids. Hard to believe she is getting so big... So anyways just wanted to give a bit of and update and if all goes well I'll have a few pictures up later. Till then..............................................

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