Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Funny story

Okay this little girl that I watch ( Kailee ) is the cutest thing. Her and Michael play like their best friends. They can also fight like sister and brother. Well when Kailee gets mad at Michael she call's him " Michael ______" and I have been listening to this for like 2 days now and I don't know what the second word is. So on the way home from pre-school today Kailee is in the front seat and Michael right behind her and he is kicking her seat. Kailee was so upset and out comes her name " Michael ____". So I asked her what are you saying? She said Michael James. I said well why do you call him that...she said because I like that name, and that's what I'm going to call him when I get mad at him "Michael James"...How cute, don't ya think?!?!?!!? I started laughing and said OKAY!! Now if you could hear her southern accent you would let her too!!

Alright well I better go do some laundry or something. Till next time........................................

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