Monday, December 18, 2006

How stinkin cute!!

His daddy is a big Steeler's fan can you tell!!!!
Man what a handsome little boy. I hope to see you soon Jacob!! Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 08, 2006

Taylor and some of her friends

These are most of the girls in her class. From left to right: Taylor Julie, Caroline, Layne, Morgan, Kallie, Courtnie and Chelsea. And boys will be boys...their giving the girls bunny ears in the back....hahahahahaha!!!!
Taylor and Kallie
Taylor and Julie
Taylor and Lexie Posted by Picasa

Please welcome my new niece...

Julianna Marie Miller was born on 12/7/06 to my step brother Jamie and his girlfriend Jess. We are so excited that you have a little girl!! Mike and I went shopping for her last night and I just love to buy baby clothes. CONGRATS to you both and I hope you don't loose too much sleep. Also crongrats to her big brothers Andrew and Corbin!! Love and miss you all. I probably won't get pictures of her but if I do I will certainly share them...

Jacob Tyler Hoffman

This is my nephew Jacob. He was born on 11/12/06 and he weighed 7lb 3 oz. He is now just over 3 weeks and weighs 9 lbs and 13 oz.!!! He is getting so big so quick. And I just can't get enough of him. Just thought I would finally share pictures with everyone!! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


I just have to brag a second on just how smart my Taylor is. Today came home her nine week progress report. Every one of Taylor's grades has gone up from her last report card. We are so proud of her. In Reading - 94% , in Language Arts - 78% , in Science/Health - 100% , in Social Studies - 99% , and in Math - 92%...GREAT JOB TAY TAY!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, WE LOVE YOU AND ARE SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Our family project!!!

I found this kit to make Ginger Bread House's at Food Lion and I thought this would be a great family project. We had a great time putting this together. It tested my nerves a little bit, but I had to remember it was just for fun!! Taylor and Michael were eating all the candy, so needless to say we stopped when we ran out of candy. It was a blast and I hope this can be done every year. Posted by Picasa

Funny story

Okay this little girl that I watch ( Kailee ) is the cutest thing. Her and Michael play like their best friends. They can also fight like sister and brother. Well when Kailee gets mad at Michael she call's him " Michael ______" and I have been listening to this for like 2 days now and I don't know what the second word is. So on the way home from pre-school today Kailee is in the front seat and Michael right behind her and he is kicking her seat. Kailee was so upset and out comes her name " Michael ____". So I asked her what are you saying? She said Michael James. I said well why do you call him that...she said because I like that name, and that's what I'm going to call him when I get mad at him "Michael James"...How cute, don't ya think?!?!?!!? I started laughing and said OKAY!! Now if you could hear her southern accent you would let her too!!

Alright well I better go do some laundry or something. Till next time........................................

Christmas is here : - )

Taylor would like me to share with you her tree.
And also some of our christmas decorating. This was also her idea!! Whatever keeps the kids happy right!!!!!! Posted by Picasa

Michael's friends

We all know that I babysitt during the day. Well these are Michael's playmates Daniel and Kailee. I have been watching Daniel for 1 year and Kailee for almost 2 months. They all go to the same pre-school too. They love to play togather. Posted by Picasa

Silly Kids

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Monday, December 04, 2006


Nope, it's Kailee...Taylor was playing with the new camera in the car after school today. More pics to come...hope you like them!! Posted by Picasa

An afternoon

This picture is taken with my new digital camera. This is Kailee, Daniel, and Michael playing football in the backyard this afternoon. Now that I have a new camera I will post more... Posted by Picasa