Monday, March 27, 2006


Today is going to be a busy day. I will have 6 kids all day long. Love to have them just hope everyone is on the best behavior...Taylor has a friend over so whey will stay busy. Michael will have Daniel and his brother Adrian and well Aly...She's all mine. No one will play with her today. Well I'm wrong Michael will. He always plays with her. He has become so protective over her. Even with Mike and I. So cute to see him play with her. He pretends her swing is her race car. He's always under it fixing it. He brings his bin of tools out and fixes away!! It's the cutest thing ever...I will try to keep my sanity. I told Moriah to come play today with the boys. She always keeps me in a good mood. And if you read this Moriah I was not joking so get the boys ready and come over!!!! Well we had a good weekend. Went to see Marchelle and Tyler. We had a good time. I can always relax when I go over there. Had a nice family day at home yesterday. Well until Tay went to her friends house. Then Mike took a nap, Michael went to play with Mason and Aly took a long nap. So I cleaned. But I was so relaxed because no one was messing up as I cleaned up and I got it all done so fast. Oh, one more thing Katy's water broke last night at 11pm. They put her on medicine to help the baby's lungs and to help keep them in as long as possible. They will take the stitch out when she starts bleeding. Then they have 72 hours to deliver the boys. GOOD LUCK KATY! I AM PRAYING FOR YOU AND THE BOYS...They will be in the hospital until their original due date which is May 26th. Please pray for their family!! Till next time...


Corine said...

Holy cow...HI SHANNON...It's been ages. You have to call me...Did Megan give you my blog?? Get my number from her and I'll try to get yours and call you. IT'S SO NICE TO HEAR FROM YOU AFTER ALL THESE YEARS!!!!

Ronabear41 said...

Love the story about him fixing Aly's swing.