Monday, January 29, 2007

The Strong Museum for Kids...

Follow the Yellow brick road...
Remember the movie " The sword in the Stone?" We had fun with this...

Well I have so many pics of the kids at this museum. E-mail me if you want to see more at and I'll either send them to you, or post more on my blog. We had a great time on our family vacation. Thank you for looking at our pictures... Posted by Picasa
The kids did not want to leave this sand was fun because it's not real sand
I actually looked more like snow. This sand box is inside.
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The kids in Big Birds' nest!
Michael where are you and Leelee going in that plane?
They put on a show for was great! Posted by Picasa

Visiting friends

Michael and Hunter
We went to visit our friends Greg and Amy and their 4 kids. This is Hunter. Michael and Hunter are the same age. They had a great time together, they even went to the bathroom was too funny! Posted by Picasa

Even Uncle Mike held Coral...He just loved her!!

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Princess Coral

This is our new niece Coral. It was so nice to finally meet you. We love you and can't wait till we can meet again!!!! Posted by Picasa

Our trip...

Wow, things have been so busy, crazy, and hectic!! Well the holidays were here and now their gone. We just went to NY for 10 days to see our new niece Coral. She is so cute. She has the fattest little cheeks and she is so adorable!!! It was nice to see her. And the rest of Mike's family also. We also went to see my dad and step mom...That was a blast. Thanks you so much for hacing us and letting the rest of the family come over and see us also. I know it's not easy to do on such short notice. Thanks and we love.

It was so much day while we were there Mike and I took Taylor to see where she was born and the house she came home from the hospital to. We took her to see the apartment we used to live in. And the place that my grandpa lived in, because that's were we had a party for her when she was baptized. We showed her where we went to school and all kids of other things. I was so happy to show her all this stuff. She was finally old enough. We had a lot of great laugh's togather.

All in all it was a great trip. We were able to spend a lot of quality time with our family's!! We also took the kids to the Strong Museum for kids...that was a blast!! My 3 kids turned into 4! Mike was more of a kid than my kids. He ran through this place knocking down blocks, he skipped on the " Yellow brick Road", he posed for pictures...just plain old good family fun. Alright now I will post some pics. Hope you enjoy!!!!

The snow in NY...The kids had a blast!!!!!!

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Little Jacob

Man...look how freckin cute he is. I just want to pinch his cheeks!!!! I can't wait to see him this weekend!!! Love ya little buddy!! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

2006 would not have been complete withour our little Lee-Lee

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I stumbled upon this picture...Look at Tay Tay...she melts my heart. It doesn't seem possible that she has lost that "baby look". This is only picture I have seen that I think looks like Marchelle. I think she looks just like her in this picture, not now but when Marchelle was a little girl. What a cutie!! Posted by Picasa

2006 was a great year...

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Looking back...

Wow...I can remember all of these pictures. I thought Michael was such a big boy . . . . . . but look at his baby face...HOW STINKIN CUTE!!!!!!!! I see alot of Alyssa is him...don't you???? Posted by Picasa
I found this picture too. This is my friend Meg, her daughter Ashle and Michael. This is from when we were here in Sept. We will see her and her family tomorrow!! We can't wait. Posted by Picasa