Okay, well I have been trying to upday my blog for a week now or more, who knows I have lost track. It's been so busy around here. First Aly got the tubes put in her ears, which have been a miracle. Who knew this kid could actually sleep. She was 8 1/2 months old and still not sleeping through the night. Once those tubes were put in ...what a change. She now sleeps a hour in a half nap in the morning and 3 hour nap in the afternoon. She is also going to bed at 8pm and waking up at 5am to eat and then back down till 8am. THANK GOD!!!!!!
Taylor's wrist has healed...and thank god for that too...I hate to say it but she was driving me nuts complaining about wearing her splint and sling. Cheerleading has started for her and she has 2 hour practices twice per week. Not to mention the heat index has been 106!! She's doing good. This year is more challenging for her, she will actually have compititions. Has to follow the rules and dress code, they will even be lifting girls and doing stunts. I think she will enjoy it. She is so excited.
We are trying to sell the house and what a nightmere!!! We put the sign up and within 5 days we have an offer. Now with no where to go, I am not sleeping again with all this stress. We have a couple things in mind, but waiting for it to all come togather is hard, not to mention the lady that wants to buy the house wants us out before school even starts which is on 8/25...
I think were going to live with bob and collie!! No just kidding. Mike says they keep joking with him about letting us stay. Mike says that if they keep up about it he's gonna ask then if we need to. Who knows...
Last night we were looking at a house in a neighborhood that we really like and while we were there Jimmy, Moriah and the boys showed up, we walked through the house and showed them the one we like because it's still being built...On the way home Mike and I were talking and that's when it clicked...Michael said " what did you say mommy?" I didn't know what he was talking about, he said " were what daddy?" I said oh you mean moving? He said yeah, what's that mean. I said we are trying to buy that house we just walked through, that means we will move out all our stuff from the house were in and bring it here. Then it happened...he started crying. What's wrong bubby I asked...He said but if we move I'll never see Mason and Coop again!!!!!! Mike and I looked at eachother and Mike said well maybe we won't move, we just don't know yet. It's like we just tore his little heart out. I FELT TERRIBLE!!!!!! Then we explained how we would still see them and we would still be good friends. He just didn't understand!
Well Alyssa is crying to eat, so better go feed her breakfast. Till next time.....