Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Alyssa's Baptism

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Grandpa and his little girls...

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Jodi and Jeana

These are my step-sisters Jodi and Jeana. Jodi is the one sitting in the chair and Jeana is on her lap. I miss them so much and can't wait to see them both soon!! Well wish ful thinking any ways. They still haven't been able to meet Alyssa yet and that breaks my heart. I have plans for them to meet this summer : - )
Hope your both doing well. We miss you so much. Say Hi to Rich for us. That would be for those of you who don't know Jodi's husband . Love y'all...... Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 22, 2006

Michael's T-Ball Team

Michael is in the front row. From left to right he's the third one. He was holding the bat but would not stop swinging it so they had the other kid hold it. Go figure!! Posted by Picasa

My girls~~~~

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Those stupid sun glasses...

Enough said right?????? I just love these pictures. Nothing like the love between daddy's and little girls!
Who is playing with who????
Get him Alyssa...Thata girl!! Posted by Picasa

Taylor and Erica

This is Taylor and her very best friend Erica!! This is who I was ditched for at Alyssa's baptism! That's okay because they kept eachother busy. Look how beautiful they are!! Just wanted to share them with you!!!!! Posted by Picasa

May 6th 2006

I would just like to thank Jimmy, Moriah, and Stephanie for being Alyssa's god parents. Jimmy and Moriah you are such great friends thanks for being part of our family. Stephanie Thanks for being there once again for us. We love you!! Yes this is 16 days after but I am just getting time. SORRY...I won't fall this behind again.
This was such a wonderful day and I will never forget it!!! Lots of pictures for Alyssa's memory box.
Stephanie in her 8th month of pregnancy she is just glowing.
The clan, well minus Taylor because she went to sit with her friends that came. That's what happens when your kids get older. I just didn't think it was going to be this early. Oh well... Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 01, 2006

Alyssa Paige

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Okay Moriah, so I don't have pictures of Michael's first or second t-ball game. I lost mother of the year!!!! I also forgot his hat on Saturday, or should I say Mike forgot it. Marchelle and Tyler came to his game and I know they thought it was comical!! Michael was sitting down in the out field, he was tired and boared. We just laughed. Of course I should have pictures to show you. I feel so horrible. Anyways it was a good game. Their team made their first out at first base. His coach was so excited she didn't even care that Michael was sitting in the out field. She assured me that it's the age and he's doing great!! AH, who knows. He loves it so it is worth the $50!!!! And he gets a trophy in the end, which might be all he's playing for. And that's fine with me...