Tuesday, March 28, 2006

For Shannon and Meg

Hello Shannon!! It has been so long since we have talked...It's kina sad. But please e-mail me so we can get togather and talk about well EVERYTHING!!!!! My e-mail address is csryan29@aol.com . I hope to hear from you soon. Love ya... Meg it's been so nice to talk to you lately. We talk just like we left off...It's so nice. I miss ya so much and can't wait for your trip to NC!! Thanks to you both for not forgetting me even though I've been gone for 6 years. It means so much to me to still have your friendship!! Having this BLOG has directed me to my friends with whom I share alot of memories. Elementry School, to High school, to Prom and even graduation. Thanks for the memories!!! Hope to see ya'll soon. Love hearing from you!!

Michael's new boots

These are Michael's new boots. The alligator ones have seen better days. They are all ripped going down the side. Well Grandma and Grandpa Ryan gave him new boots and BONUS...They come with a fireman rain coat. Now he has had these for a few weeks but I was not able to post pictures for some reason. Just thought I would share these with you. Isn't he CUTE!! LOL!!
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Monday, March 27, 2006


Today is going to be a busy day. I will have 6 kids all day long. Love to have them just hope everyone is on the best behavior...Taylor has a friend over so whey will stay busy. Michael will have Daniel and his brother Adrian and well Aly...She's all mine. No one will play with her today. Well I'm wrong Michael will. He always plays with her. He has become so protective over her. Even with Mike and I. So cute to see him play with her. He pretends her swing is her race car. He's always under it fixing it. He brings his bin of tools out and fixes away!! It's the cutest thing ever...I will try to keep my sanity. I told Moriah to come play today with the boys. She always keeps me in a good mood. And if you read this Moriah I was not joking so get the boys ready and come over!!!! Well we had a good weekend. Went to see Marchelle and Tyler. We had a good time. I can always relax when I go over there. Had a nice family day at home yesterday. Well until Tay went to her friends house. Then Mike took a nap, Michael went to play with Mason and Aly took a long nap. So I cleaned. But I was so relaxed because no one was messing up as I cleaned up and I got it all done so fast. Oh, one more thing Katy's water broke last night at 11pm. They put her on medicine to help the baby's lungs and to help keep them in as long as possible. They will take the stitch out when she starts bleeding. Then they have 72 hours to deliver the boys. GOOD LUCK KATY! I AM PRAYING FOR YOU AND THE BOYS...They will be in the hospital until their original due date which is May 26th. Please pray for their family!! Till next time...

Friday, March 24, 2006


This is my sister's best friend Katy. Well she's the whole family's best friend. She is 7 months pregnant with twin boys. They will be Tyler John or TJ and Colin Jonas or CJ. I may have the middle names mixed up but you get the point. Any ways doesn't she look great. I was bigger than that at 4 months pregnant with just one baby inside. She is on bedrest until the delivery so please pray for her and the boys. Also for a easy and non-complicated delivery. Love ya Katy. Can't wait to meet CJ and TJ!!! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Well, It's been a tough few weeks for me. Mike is back working on the race car and isn't home much and it's on my nerves. I haven't been feeling well and he's still not home to help out. This aggravates me to no end. I am also at that stage where I am missing my family VERY MUCH!! It's been so long since we have seen anyone and I just want to go to NY and visit. I need to get away from things here for a good week. I feel like I could cry at any moment and not sure why. My kids are feeling better now and can't wait to play. Michael cried all do to play with Mason and Coop. I think I'm gonna let him go to pre-school tomorrow. Not sure yet if I should or not. Maybe one more day at home won't hurt. I have Daniel any way. Taylor has a field trip tomorrow to the Health Dept. She wants me to go but I told her I have to stay home. She said that's okay, but I know she really wants me to go. That brakes my heart. Michael is going to start playing T-BALL. How cute ha...Can't wait for that to start....He is a really good hitter so I think he'll be good. Well anyway better get going and put the kids to bed. Michael and Alyssa have pooped me out today. Oh and I have pictures. I'll post them tomorrow. Till next time....

Monday, March 20, 2006


Well, it's been 5 days since I blogged last and I had so much to talk about and now I lost it all. It's just been to busy and so much going on with us and everyone around us. Taylor spent the night at Erica's house Friday and didn't come home until Sat. at 4 pm. Michael was good all weekend so I took him to the track on Saturday night for the race and as soon as the race started he was ready to go. This was a good indication to me something was wrong, because he did everything I asked him to all day so he could go to the races. He even took a nap. Come to find out when we got home he was running a fever of 102.2, wasn't sure why but he was fine all day on Sunday. Well we got up today and he was throwing up. Poor little guy. He looked so sad with his big brown eyes. Alyssa is feeling better, and sleeping again thank god. It's just one thing after another. My stomach has been sour since yesterday afternoon as well. Lots of laundry today since Michael threw up all over my bed, the floor and a few changes of clothes. My job just doesn't end. Well the good news is that he's hasn't threw up since 10 am and he says he's all better. So who knows what he picked up. Oh and when Taylor came home from school she said her stomach hurt too. Oh well. I hate to say it but I am glad no one is hungry because I'm not in the mood to make dinner. I just want to crawl up on the couch and cover up with a blanket. Well any ways have a good night and hopefully tomorrow will be better...

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

So sorry Stephanie

for the loss of your grandfather. Last Wednesday when they were in Disney World her mom called her and said her grandpa had passed away. They can't make the funeral because Nicholas is sick and I just want to let you know you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. Keep smiling for Nicholas...Love ya...

What a weekend!

Wow, it has been a busy week for me. Where do I start...hum...Daniel and Adrian are two boys that I watch. Daniel just turned 2 and Adrian just turned 6. They came over on Friday at 7am and stayed until Sunday at 4pm. What a weekend 5 kids...now what...Well I was so lucky that it was an 80 degree weekend because we stayed out all weekend. Friday night Alyssa was up a few times but I was okay Saturday but I thought something was wrong. Well we went through our day on Saturday everyone was good just some kids stuff. Then it's bed time and Alyssa was up every 1/2 hour. What the heck...So needless to say I was so tired on Sunday. But I went on with my day the kids were good. My mother in law came over with gifts for us because she and Andy and Stephanie and Nicholas went to Disney World. Then Uncle Benny came over and he stayed for dinner and it was a good family day. Mike took all the kids on 4 wheeler rides around the neighborhood, and so did I for that matter. I hadn't been able to ride because I was pregnant and it was a blast. Well the finally the time came for us to go to bed. Bed what's that...By this point I was exhausted and just wanted to close my eyes...Alyssa had other plans. Well I knew she wasn't feeling well but she just would not let me put her down. We were up the entire night. I took her to the doctor yesterday and she has an ear infection. Now she's feeling much better and back to her happy house. Till next time...

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Blogger Tag...

Well, unfortunately you have to look at this as a paragraph because for some reason I can't enter between each number. I tried to change the settings but it made it worse. SORRY...Enjoy... 1. What is the smartest thing you have done? I would have to say having kids early. By the time I'm 41 my youngest will be 15!! YEAH!!!!!!LOL!!! 2. What is the dumbest thing you have done? Well I will admit to doing many many stupid things, but nothing is really coming to mind. 3. What is something you would have changed about your life? I would have done everything the same. Except I would have moved my parents to North Carolina with me so my kids could see them as often as the could. 4. What is the worst feature you have? The whole package!!! My body has changed so much from having kids it's not even funny. I look forward to the day when I am skinny again and my boobs are SMALL! 5. The best? I've said it before and I'll say it again...My feet!! 6. Why are you with the person you are with? Well I know I can be honest here so I'm gonna go with because I was stupid in love with him when I was 15 years old and we just stuck. We are complete opposites but for some reason I sure do love him a lot...I'll keep him... 7. Today I am 26 years old, ten years from now I'll be 36, I have no more to add to that!!!!!! 8. The best Material gift I was ever given? Honestly, I think that is still to come... 9. One quote you say over and over? Nobody likes a lyer!! I say that everyday to my kids and that is the most important thing my mom thought me that I want to pass on to my kids 10. The best thing in live I ever did? Not go to college. I say that because I would have in no way used anything being a stay at home mom. It would have been a waste of money!!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Hurricane Katrina

I have so much to say, where do I begin...Well on Friday Taylor had a field trip with school and she wanted me to go. So one of my good friends Nicole watched Michael and Alyssa for me and I went with Taylor on her field trip. The day before Tay's teacher gave me a number to another child's mom in her class and said she was looking for some one to carpool with, so I came home and called her and we planned to meet at the school in the morning when we dropped off our kids. So we waited behind the busses and off we were to Catawba Science Center in Hickory, NC...This trip will forever have changed my outlook on a lot of things. Christine is her name her son Nick is in Tay's class and they just moved here a few months ago from New Orleans. Yes victims of hurricane Katrina. We talked the whole hour there and the whole hour back and in those 2 hours she made me feel like I was the luckiest person. My small 3 bedroom house now seems like a mansion. I am so lucky for the things I have and up till now I had no idea. They evacuated from their house the night before Katrina arrived assuming they would be back in a few days. She has two kids ages 7 and 2. They each packed a back pack of clothes and a few toys a piece and headed out, not knowing they would never live in their house again, not knowing that everything they had worked so hard for would not be there when they came home. Christine now lives here with her two children in a small apartment and still can not find a job. They have no toys, no new clothes and not a lot of money for food. How lucky are we???? Well Moriah, Taylor and I are going to put some put some flyers together and take them around our neighborhood, put them in Michael's pre school and hand them to the kids in Taylor's class and we are gonna collect new and used clothes, shoes, toys, and anything else we can to help get them some things they are in need of. I will also collect money and gift cards to grocery stores so they can splurge a little on some extra things. Christine has such a big heart and talking to me, someone she doesn't know had tears in her eyes. And to tell you what a big heart she has, when we got to the Science Center I walked over to pay for our tour and she had already payed for me. She was so thankful I let her ride with me that she payed for me. Here's someone who has no money to support her family and she does this. Only someone special does something like this. So we are gonna help her out. And because she lost everything even her kids pictures. Moriah is going to take their pictures for FREE!! Thanks so much Moriah that means so much to me as your friend!! What a great contribution. Let me know if there's anything anyone would like to do to help out. Thanks from the bottom of my heart...

Thursday, March 02, 2006

You make me laugh

I just had to share this one with ya'll too. I can't help but to laugh so hard. He's so cute!!!! All you need is daddy's hat, safety goggles and a pair of rain boots. Which by the way get worn everyday not just on rain days. I don't know what we would have done if Grandpa and Grandma Ryan didn't replace the Alligator boots. He wore a hole right in the side of those things. I will have to share a picture later of the old ones. You will laugh. Well till next time.... Posted by Picasa


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Tay bug...SMILE!!!!

This is my Tay Tay. This is her bright beautiful smile. Taylor usually gives me the fake smile but I think I captured her real smile yesterday. She is such a bright girl and I love her sooooooooo much.

This is the full outfit. Yes she picked it out all by herself. She calls herself the fashion coordinator!! LOL...Ya just have to laugh. Posted by Picasa

Spring Fever!!

We are in full bloom here in North Carolina. My dafodils are blooming, my tulips are coming up, my other flower things are blooming, and my trees are blooming. I am so excited that spring is right around the corner. Yesterday was 75 degrees and today it's supposed to be 80. We were outside yesterday from 9:30am until 6pm!! What a day. The kids sure went to bed easy last night. Well just wanted to share my spring fever with ya'll.  Posted by Picasa